Friday, November 29, 2019
Techniques used by the director in the execution scene of ;Dead man walking;. Essay Example
Techniques used by the director in the execution scene of ;Dead man walking;. Essay In this essay I am going to be exploring the techniques and effects that the director Tim Robbins has used in the film Dead man walking. Dead man walking is a film about capital punishment in American. The two main actors in this film are Sean Penn who plays the character Matthew Poncelet (the person on death row) and Susan Sarandon who plays the Sister Helen Jean who is trying to stop him from being put death.At the beginning of the film we see how Sister Helen Prejean is at first very uncomfortable and uneasy with this person who she thinks is a murderer. As the film goes on though you see that she slowly becomes more comfortable with him and at the end of the film she is completely comfortable with Matthew Poncelet and is very emotionally involved with him.This is much the same with Matthew Poncelet at the beginning he was vigilant of Sister Jean and was not nervous but not completely honest and open with her but at the end of the film it is obvious that he has made a real connect ion with her and his last few words to her areI love youThrough out the film though it is not apparent and rather ambiguous about if Matthew Poncelet did actually commit the crime which he is going to be executed for. He has been accused of killing a young man and a young woman and also of raping the woman. It is only towards the end of the film that the truth comes out. Until then, the audience is left to make there own decision based on what is seen in the film.In the scene before the execution scene in the film we learn a lot about Matthew and also we see a lot which could change are feelings as the audience towards Matthew and the execution taking place.Firstly we see the final meeting that he has with his family. This is a tremendously emotional scene as we see the people who love him the most say goodbye to him knowing that they will never see him again and that he is going to die. In this scene we learn a lot about Matthew Poncelet as a child and also as an adult. From his mo ther we hear and see that he is not an animal or a crazy person that people might think. It shows him talking and playing with his young brother and talking normally and happily to his mum. I think that the director here has used a situation and language and obviously characters to show that Matthew is humane. From this I think that he is aiming to make the audience feel sorry for him and not to want him to get killed.In this final meeting it doesnt only show that he is humane but it also shows that a lot of people love him and that a lot of pain is being caused again to his family. At the end of the meeting when Matthew Poncelet leaves the room you see his mother runaway and start to cry. I think that the director has shown this scene to let the audience know that his family are and will suffer masses of pain and misery from his death. I think that the main reason that the director has used this scene is to make you think about why he is being killed and how ironic it is really. He is being killed because he is being accused of killing 2 people and because he has caused a lot of pain to there families (as we see earlier in the film when Sister Jean visits one of the families). I think the director has used this scene to make the audience think and feel that one Matthew is humane and also I think he is making you feel sympathy for him and secondly that two wrongs dont make a right.The next scene and event that the director shows is definitely meant to make the audience feel one thing towards Matthew Poncelet and the death penalty. In this scene Matthew Poncelet confesses everything to Sister Jean. He confesses absolutely everything that happened and it is not good. In this scene he admits that he was involved in the killing of the two young people and that he raped the girl. This is a hugely significant scene in the film as it tells us that he did do the crime that he is going to be killed for. This dramatically changes the feeling that the audience has toward s Matthew Poncelet. Personally for me it changed my opinion. Any sympathy I had for him before disappeared because now I knew the truth and the truth was not nice and personally that made me feel like he deserved to die. This scene I think was put in to provoke this reaction from the audience. This scene is definitely less sympathetic towards him than the other scenes.Finally a last event which happened before the execution is the scene where he calls his family for the last time on a phone. In this scene we again see that his family is very hurt and that they clearly do want him to be killed, this again I think was put in to evoke a sympathy vote towards Matthew Poncelet. This is completely the last contact that Matthew Poncelet has with his family before he is killed.In the execution scene the director of the film Tim Robbins uses many techniques such as camera shots, actors, music, sound effects, dialogue and plots to affect the audience and makes them think certain things and al so focus vigorously on certain points.The execution scene starts when the police officer shouts routinely Dead man walking which ironically is the title of the film.The execution scene starts with Matthew Poncelet walking towards the room where he is going to be executed. The film then suddenly changes from normal speed to slow motion. I think that the director has done this for one reason. I think he has done it to show and emphasize that this walk that he is taking now is the walk of death, the last walk he will ever take. I also think that director has put this part of the scene in slow motion to make it seem that Matthew Poncelet is important and almost righteous. I get the view that the director wants the audience to think that he in some way is righteous as he combines both the effects of slow motion with the dramatic and emotional music. Together I get impression that Matthew Poncelet is important, righteous, valuable, honorable, up right and respectable. Which as you know he isnt because he murdered and raped a girl and assisted in killing a young man. I think that the director has used both here the effect of slow motion and the emotive music to make you feel almost sorry for Matthew which I think is strange. Overall the scene makes you feel sorry and creates an idea of injustice wrongly. The director is trying to play with the audiences feelings.In the execution scene the director has used many different types of close up camera shots to give the audience a certain impression or feeling.One close up which the director uses is the close up of sister Jeans hand on Matthew Poncelets shoulder as he is walking towards the room where he will be killed. I think that the director has used this close up of her hands to show that Sister Jean really does care for Matthew. Overall the director is aiming to give the audience the impression that sister Jean really does love and care for Matthew and she too will experience pain and misery from his death and not onl y his family.Another range of close ups that the director uses are the close ups of him being buckled and strapped to the board which he is going to be killed on.There are 4 different close ups of the belts buckling and pinning him down. There are 4 buckles on the board evenly distributed among it too make sure he cant escape. I think that the director shows the 4 close ups of each belt buckling to give the audience the feeling he cant at all move, he is now paralyzed and that it is a horrible way to die.A further close up that the director has used is the close up of the clock ticking. In this close up we see the clock tick mournfully towards 12 o clock when the execution will start. The director uses this to show us that time has no meaning anymore as even though everything is ready and waiting for his death they still wait until 12 o clock to start which is odd. I feel that this intern shapes the audiences feelings to feeling that Matthew is going to die now and that it is calcul ated as they wait until 12 to kill him. This makes the audience feel that this is wrong.An additional close up that the director uses are the many detailed close ups of the things that are going to be killing Matthew. The heavy rubber gloves that the doctor wears, the mechanical syringes that are filled with strange liquids, the close up of each individual light with names beside of them, the sponge wiping his arm even though he is going to die, the bulky silver needle being injected into his veiny arm and the tube gong into his arm. All these close ups I think have been used by the director for a simple effect.I think they were used to make the whole killing process look cold and calculated. He deliberately used close up shots of weird things like the mechanical syringes and thick silver needles to make the whole thing seem very mechanical, bizarre and cold and weird. I think the whole effect from these close ups is to make you feel like this killing is cold, calculated and wrong. Overall I feel that the director has used these close up shots of these things to make the audience feel sorry for Matthew and also to show at what is happening as it seems so plain and calculated.These close up really do affect the way the audience feel about the whole death. If it seems cold, calculated and sick, this makes the audience feel that killing him in this way is wrong maybe. I dont think that the director was trying to make people feel that killing him was totally wrong from these camera shots but he was trying to make them feel that this way is wrong.After he has been strapped down to this board and had all these needle put into him he is then displayed in front of the families of the victims and Sister Jean as they watch from behind a glass screen. The way though that the director displays Matthew Poncelet has been done to make the audience feel a certain feeling.Matthew Poncelet is displayed vertically up with his arm spread out. I personally felt that this was very much like the way Jesus the son of god was placed on the cross.I think that the director has used this to give the audience a very understandable feeling. When Jesus was killed on the cross he was killed wrongly as he was the son of god. I think that the director is using this pose and playing on the idea of Jesus dieing to make the audience feel that this is an injustice, much in the same way that killing Jesus was an injustice. The director here has overall used this pose to make the audience be against him being killed.After he is displayed Matthew Poncelet is asked by one of the officers if he has any last words to say. Matthew Poncelet looks at Sister Jean and then speaks.Yes I do he then continues by saying that he is sorry to both families. He is sorry to both family for the pain and misery he has caused and also for taking away there children. He then hopes that his death can offer them so relief. He then finally finishes his last word speech sayingI just wanna let you know that I think killing is wrong, no matter who does it, albeit the government or meThis dialogue which the director has included in this scene is extremely important in the feelings the audience have. I think that the director has used this dialogue and also expression (as Matthew Poncelet is shaking nervously and scared when he says this) to make the audience feel one sorry for him as he is shaking fretfully and anxiously when he says and secondly I think the dialogue shows the audience that Matthew Poncelet is truly sorry has genuine remorse for what he has done. This again I think was used by the director to make audience feel sorry for him.After he has said this he is then taken from his vertical upright position and put into a flat position and then his execution commences.This part of the scene is now accompanied with some very strong emotional music. It is music though that doesnt make sense though. It is almost like tribal chanting and it almost sounds like the person who is s inging it is in a lot of pain. This music I think has been used during this very emotional scene to emphasize how serious this is. I think that the music used is gruesome and honest and it really made me feel that. It also made me feel that it was wrong. This is the effect I think the director wanted on the audience a shocking sound track to accompany a shocking story.Matthew is now being killed. Again during the actual killing many close ups are shown again. Close ups of the tubes of liquid being pushed down and close ups of lights saying start and finish. Also some very loud and firm sound effects are used such as the loud clicking from the machine when the lights turn on. The close ups of the equipment in use dont stop there you actually see the light blue liquid going through the tubes into his arms. This part of the scene where he is being killed is very detailed and has heaps of close ups. I think the director has used these very graphic and comprehensive close ups to make the audience see and feel that this real and that it again is cold and deliberate. Overall I got the feeling from this that the director was trying to make audience feel either sorry or against Matthew Poncelet being killed.The next part of the scene was Matthew Poncelet slowly dieing. Here the director has done something very clever. All the way through Matthew Poncelet dieing there are flashbacks and clips off Matthew Poncelet and another person killing these two children. It starts off by showing the two children kissing in the car and then Matthew Poncelet and his friend get the two children out of the car and into the woods. Here then ties them both up. It shows them both raping the girl and tormenting the boy and then eventually it shows them killing both of them.This is not all shown at once though. As Matthew Poncelet dies it shows clips of them. It is almost guiding you through all of the peoples deaths at the same rate. As Matthew Poncelet dies a little bit more it goes back to the flashbacks and then they die a little bit more. It is set up in a kind of step by step.The director here has shown the two deaths in comparison. The death that he committed against the two children and his death. I think that director has used these flashback scenes to give the audience the impression that him being killed is justified as it shows them how brutally, harshly, ruthlessly and mercilessly he killed them. I think that the director has used these two scenes to show the audience the differences between the two deaths.In the death scene of Matthew Poncelet we see that he dies humanely and pretty much peacefully. There were no screaming or shouting around him, there was nobody there degrading him and he could mentally before prepare himself for this even though he was still very nervous at least he had the chance to. The director shows this in the plot and in the past and present scenes.He compares this honestly to the way the two children died. They were wrongfully p icked on as we can see and dragged forcefully into the wood. They were then obnoxiously tied up and thrown on the floor in heaps of thick mud. The girl was then tormented and raped by both the men and the boy had to listen and watch his girlfriend being raped. They were then both killed the girl slowly and the boy quickly. They had absolutely no dignity at all, they had nothing just fear as you can see. Both of them were reduced to completely nothing. This director has used this scene to shock and distress the audience, it is very detailed and graphic and no idea is left unturned.So I think that here the director has used these two scene in comparison to strongly make the audience feel that killing Matthew Poncelet is right. He uses them so that you can see that really it is unfair he is getting to die with love around him from Sister Jean and they died with nothing but fear. These scenes are definitely used to mould the audiences personal feelings towards wanting Matthew Poncelet t o die. I personally feel that this two comparison scenes are the most emotional and important part of the film. It really did change my personal opinion towards Matthew Poncelet and shocked me. This is exactly what the director is aiming for and to me he has achieved it.One other effect that the director used on one of the killing scenes was the use of color. You may be thinking that colour was used through out the film. Well the scene we are talking about is the final flashback scene where the two young adults are being killed and the girl is being raped. There are many flashbacks to the killing of these two in the film but the other flashbacks were in black and white and this final and evidentially truthful flashback was in colour. I think that the director here has used colour to in some show that this flashback is more truthful and factual. This shapes the audiences feelings again that this time this flashback is the real one.So after these flashbacks Matthew Poncelet begins to come a lot closer to death. His eyes and hands being to close up and his breathing becomes slower. The tribal mourning music which started at the beginning of the actual execution scene is still playing and the atmosphere in the film is emotional and still serious. Again as Matthew Poncelet is nearing very close to death the director is using a number of close ups to show the audience ideas. He closes up on his hands as they struggle to stay open and the same with his eyes. I think that the director has used these again to make the audience feel some sympathy for him even though I think from the previous scene this may not achieve much.This is then followed by a clever use of characters, camera angles and effect. Plus the use of no dialogue. The silence really does work in this next bit that the director added. As Matthew Poncelet is fading out of being alive so do the two young adults. There two reflections are seen in the glass which from the audience you are looking through. As M atthew Poncelet fades out so do the two young adults that he murdered reflections. This looks like they both died at the same time. I think that the director Tim Robbins has used this to make the audience feel that this is justified. The way it has been done that they kind of both fade away at the same time I think was used to say in a way that it is a life for a life. I think that by using this that one he was making the audience feel that Matthew Poncelets death was justified and also I think he was making a statement saying that you take a life you give your life.Finally Matthew Poncelet dies and on this we see close ups of his hands unclenching and remaining deadly still.After this though it shows an immediately and extremely close up of Sister Jeans eyes opening. This close up of Sister Jeanss eyes opening up has been used to trick the audience into thinking that Matthew is alive. The director set it out in such a way for the audience to think this. Firstly he showed a steady r otating camera around his now delicate body which is basically dead and this was then followed a sudden energetic flick back to the eyes of Sister Jean this sudden energetic close up I think was used to make you think that Matthew was not dead and was alive. I think from this use of camera angle, character and expression from character that he was trying to make the audience feel for that split second shocked and thinking that they wanted him dead and that this is not how it should be.Finally to end the execution scene the director zooms out of Matthew Poncelets body which is displayed across the board. Dead and still. This fades into the forest scene where there to the camera is zooming out with the two young dead peoples bodies opposite each other. One naked one clothed.I think that the director has used these shots of each of them to show that how defenseless they all are now and how raw this is. I think that this has been used to make the audience feel that killing is wrong no m atter how it is done or who does it. I think that the director was aiming for this to be against capital punishment.In conclusion I think that the whole execution scene is exceptionally emotional, strong, effective and extreme. I think that a clever use of dialogue, characters, language, camera angles, close ups, actors, music and sound effects, plot and structure has been used to an unbelievable emotionally passionate effect. This execution scene is very moving, convincing and if I didnt know that it was a film I would think it was real.I think that it was powerful because the director was not scared to show the raw truth and the reality of the whole situation. He showed the atrociously brutal murder and rape scene which shocked and stunned the audience. He also showed us every bit of Matthew Poncelet death and was not afraid to show the side effects at every end. Overall I think that this scene was powerful because one it was absolutely truthful and secondly it was directed and sh own in a number of clever ways which made you think more about what was happening and way it was happening.I did not think though that this scene was very balanced at all. I think that far worse, evil and over powering things were shown than good. In comparison I think that more over powering scenes were written aimed too make the audience feel that killing him was right than there were scenes that were aimed to make you feel that it was wrong. This I feel in turn over powers the audiences personal beliefs and makes them feel that his death it right and justified.From this then I think that I can safely say that I think that the directors personal views towards capital punishment are strong and certain. I think that the director Tim Robbins is definitely without a doubt for capital punishment although I do think he is against pain, misery and suffering to innocent and good people. I dont think that he is bloody thirsty in any way but I think that he thinks justice needs to be harsh and unsympathetic for the good of the world.Watching this film has definitely made me think more about capital punishment. When I was watching it, it made me think very carefully about what was being done and why and what its effects are. I wouldnt say that it has changed my views necessarily but it has definitely strengthened either side of my argument for capital punishment. I personally find it hard to say whether I am for or against capital punishment as either side of the argument has valid points.Overall in this film and most importantly in the execution scene I think that it explores every idea and concern about capital punishment and to do this it uses a wide range media techniques.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free sample - Should local sales tax be increased or decreased. translation missing
Should local sales tax be increased or decreased. Should local sales tax be increased or decreasedContent of the problem Currently, taxes added on top of prices of goods or services that are purchased within a country are either being increased or decreased depending on the country. Sale tax is a consumption that is displayed as a percentage of the sale price. It is vital to assess sale taxes in every state, county or municipal level in order to determine the amount that is being taxed and can help in knowing whether to increase or to decrease. The biggest problem with sales tax evaluation is the state-local tax burden due to increasing population and changes in the tax policies is also another area that is supposed to be considered. In the past it was a bit different since most of the statesââ¬â¢ population was not so high and thus it was easy to determine whether sales tax be increased or decreased. But as time has moved, this has been witnessed to have taken another different direction and the statesââ¬â¢ population must be put into consideration since most of this has to determine the increase or decrease of sale tax in every state (Frederick, 315). Statement of the problem In the todayââ¬â¢s world, employment has hit and most of the people graduate and do not get job and thus imposing sales tax on such people may deem to be the biggest problem. The tax imposed on property is also important on the other hand as it helps in ensuring that it is used in curing the budget. This is due to the fact that revenue gotten from corporate net is usually viewed as volatile, especially in cases whereby recession and therefore it will be unworthy to states to lean heavily on it. Even though the income tax increase helps in budget deficit, raising the income tax by even just 5% would lead to a drop on the tax Foundationââ¬â¢s Tax Climate Index. This may also lead to not having lower personal income tax in such regions.à This may also lead to the corporate income tax to drop even further. And also, in increasing the tax of corporate income may set a state an even bigger fall in the future and that is really a demerit. This paper will look at the barriers of sales tax increase and decrease since this is a tool that will in turn help in determining whether to increase or decrease sales tax in any state. This can be done through in co-operating some programs into the scheme of sale tax evaluation system. Research question Given that it is important to determine whether to increase or decrease the sales tax in any given state; there are a number of questions that must be put into consideration. Since sale tax is also important to the government, it is vital for the government to treat those contributing to tax revenue as important figures in the society. This in turn will make not to appear as a burden to those contributing to sale tax (Merriman, 21). Nonetheless, in order to gather the required information regarding sales tax increase or decrease it is vital to address the following questions during the research process: a)à à à à à How imperative is tax reduction or increase to both the government and the citizens? b)à à à à à Are there some economy tax credit programs that can be employed instead of just increasing or decreasing the sales tax and how is it helpful to the common man? c)à à à à à What is the purpose of considering change in tax policy and can this help in tax expenditure justification? d)à à à à What are the cautions for both tax increase and tax decrease?à à à à Significance of the study According to research carried by Arnold in 2004, (228) in both the United States and the whole world at large it is vital not to impose so much tax on the common man as this will have tremendous effect in future, either positive or negative. Even though most citizens suffer from high taxation, it is vital not to increase the sales tax to the common man and impose tax on goods and services rendered internationally. This proposal aims at looking into ways in which sales tax can be imposed without causing any havoc to the common man and thus improves the economy of the country. This must also focus on developing a positive attitude to those imposing tax on property without experiencing state-local tax burden. This is important since it is used to determine how Tax Foundation yearly calculation concerning how heavy the state-local tax burden is for the population in any given state (Rodgers, 229). Objectives of the study Just like any incentive program, it is vital to look at the objectives, basically in numeric terms. This specifically helps in determining the final result such as increasing sales, or purchase by your reseller. Some of the objectives include: à i)à à à à à à à Obtaining a certain percentage of shares for a new product in its full year. ii)à à à à à Increasing the percentage of sales. iii)à à à Increase the number of showroom displays in both local and international market. iv)à à à Increase the number of people participating in product training programs.à à Research Design and Methodology This research study will focus on both the quantitative and qualitative approach since it requires collection of data and carrying out of surveys in relation to the past sales tax estimations and calculations. Another approach will be the descriptive since it will require first hand information from previous research in order to avoid misunderstanding. Finally the research will carry our surveys by interviewing the concerned using semi-structured questioners.à Conclusion It is vital to look at the disadvantages and advantages associated with sales tax increase and decrease. This is likely to help determine which one is the most appropriate option. All in all it is also significant to understand the limitation of the research process since it can be applied as a cautionary measure before deciding on which way to go. It is vital to understand that fiscal problems should not be addressed by tax alone (Arnold, 229). à Work Cited Arnold, Raphaelson, "The Property Tax," in J. Richard Aronson and Eli Schwartz, eds., Management Policies in Local Government Finances, 3rd edition, (2004) p. 229 Frederick, Stocker. "Diversification of the Local Revenue System: Income and Sales Taxes, User Charges, Federal Grants," National Tax Journal, September (2006), p. 315 Merriman, David. The Control of Municipal Budgets: Toward the Effective Design of Tax and Expenditure Limitations. (New York: Quorum Books, (2001), pp. 20-23 Rodgers, James. "Sales Taxes, Income Taxes, and Other Nonproperty Revenues, " in J. Richard Aronson and Eli Schwartz, eds., Management Policies in Local Government Finance, Third Edition (Washington, DC: International City Management Association, (1997), p. 229. Sherwood-Call, "The Labor Tax as an Alternative Revenue Source," Proceedings of the Seventy-Ninth Annual Conference (Columbus, OH: National Tax Association, (2002), pp. 86-93
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Twelve Questions regarding the YCP Company Research Paper
Twelve Questions regarding the YCP Company - Research Paper Example 2. What impression have you found of Corporate Governance of YCP Company? Corporate Governance plays the role of sight and foresight for an organization. Particularly, in the case of YCP Company the structure possessed some basic flaws in the distribution of duties and power according to the Code of Corporate Governance. The most obvious a blunder is allocation of 60% of voting equity to Kong and Watson. Furthermore, according to the detail illustrated the absence of remuneration committee and nomination committee followed by the weak structure of Board were some of the fundamental errors of the structure of Corporate Governance. 3. What is your opinion of the ownership structure in YCP, in the light of the fact co administrators Kong and Watson retain 60% of the voting equity. Can group of small shareholders make a significant contribution to the governance of the company? What about large share holders. A diverse and balanced ownership structure is the key to keep transparency and authenticity breathing in organizational management. However, the very aspect was absent in case of YCP, the imbalance of major share owner ship and voting rights is evident error. In addition, the fact that minor share holderââ¬â¢s were totally neglected and the other share holders with major contribution had other businesses to look after and their presence in the administration was a mere formality. The dire need of YCP that is obvious in the structure of YCP was that of rationally designed attribution of power and authority along with voting rights based on the fact that when the voting rights of controlling shareholders exceed the cash-flow rights, the incentives for asset diversion are magnified. 4. What is your opinion of the structure of the board have had before approving the construction of the private telephone network for YCP right after the company went public The expansion planned in the very short period after establishment should been backed with strong supporting strategies. In the case of YCP the segregation of management and supervision was the seemingly lacking feature. Hence, after the registration company into the stock exchange a strong structure of Corporate Governance was the essential need of time. Furthermore, evident is the fact from the description that investment in construction was an element of the chairmanââ¬â¢s show off rather than strategical opportunity. Therefore, the strategy of expansion on the grounds of serving ego without any exit was more an evidence of Board structure rather than mismanagement. 5. What information should the board have had before approving the construction of the private telephone network for YCP. The feasibility and relevance to the vision of the company was the main area to be focused by board in the evaluation of proposal of construction. Furthermore, funding requirements, timeline, return on investment rate, cost benefit analysis, alternative plans, competitors analysis , PESTEL analysis an d an exit plan were the mandatory analysis to be investigated by the board. Hence, the most important feature to be considered was the exploration of the potential of company to support such a gigantic project along with usual business in terms of time, efforts and resources.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analysis of the Position of Female Entrepreneurs in the Middle East Essay
Analysis of the Position of Female Entrepreneurs in the Middle East - Essay Example In the West, most women compete on equal footing with men. This is because there are laws that are enshrined in the legal codes of most nations in North America and Europe that guarantee the rights of women. It must however, be pointed out that women were also oppressed in the West until the process of emancipation was initiated gradually in the early 21st Century (Stevenson, 2010). Also, the world order has sought to initiate changes and equalities in gender matters since the formation of the United Nations in 1945. However, this appears to be moving at a gradualist pace rather than in a revolutionary patter. In the Middle East though, Nazir and Tomppert identify that there is systematic discrimination that is entrenched and inherent in law, criminal justice, economy, heath care and education that keep women oppressed and limited in what they do (2005). It is identified that the communities in the MENA region maintain a strict patriarchal status (Moghadam, 2007). This is a system wh ereby a woman is seen as weak and as such, the society deems it a necessity for men to protect women from what they perceive to be against the honor of women. Typically, a girl is under the protection of her father. When she becomes a woman, she evolves to the care and protection of her husband. When she raises her children and they grow old, the male children have the duty of protecting their elderly mothers. As such, the progression of women is overshadowed by the fact that they have a unique and different role from men. Although this is often seen by most people in the Middle East and North Africa to be in the best interest of women, it stands in the way of gender equality and promotion of the interests of women and their ability to exercise their free will. Currently, globalization is forcing people in all parts of the world to make changes and harness equality and similar patterns in all aspects of life (Moghadam, 2007). This means that there is the need for women to be given e qual rights and fairness. The king of Saudi Arabia, who by default requires to exercise the highest levels of Islamic purity [his title is the Custodian of the Two Holiest Sites of Islam: Mecca and Medina] has acknowledged that the kingdom's approach to issues like women's right need to change since the world around them is changing gradually (Ramady, 2010). However, for changes to occur meaningfully, there is the need for the financial emancipation of women in the Middle East (Keddie, 2007). This will require a degree of guaranteeing the rights of women to get an earning capacity (Keddie, 2007). Female entrepreneurship is therefore an important and crucial element that needs to be attained through the financial emancipation of women. This is one of the most important ways through which the women of the Middle East and North Africa can catch up with their male counterparts and hasten the move towards the emancipation and equality of women that has been proposed through the current r eforms in Arab and Islamic nations. Based on this background, this research will examine important elements and aspects of female entrepreneurship in the Middle East. This will attempt to diagnose the status quo of female entrepreneurship in the Middle East and figure out the important aspects and elements that has led to these trends. The paper will also examine critical solutions to the issues that would be raised in the study. In attaining these
Monday, November 18, 2019
An analysis of an ad campaign of your choice Essay
An analysis of an ad campaign of your choice - Essay Example Just like every other seller in the market, jewelers also rely on Christmas to make huge sales. They have achieved this by giving out some of the best Christmas campaign advertisements to persuade people to invest in Jewells specifically their jewels. This paper is going to do a comparison of two globally renowned reputable jewelers Christmas advertisements. The jewelers are Cartier and tiffany and co. and their Christmas advertisements which appeared across a range of platforms that is on TV, online on YouTube and billboards. In addition, this paper is going to analyze tiffany and co and Cartier with the consumer buying process. The consumer buying process can be defined as the process the consumer goes through before deciding on what product to buy. This process is a very crucial process in that it determines whether a consumer is going to buy ones products or another brand. It includes five known stages which are product recognition, information search by consumer, evaluation of a lternatives, purchase decision and post purchase behavior. Tiffany and co and Cartier both have a campaign adverts which means a series of adverts with the same target. They both recognize the consumer buying process in their adverts in that in tiffany and co. Christmas advert the name of the brand is first shown to tell the customer what products is being advertised and even at the end the name is put on the screen solely which is product recognition (Pride & Ferrell, 2006, 235). The same applies to Cartier whose name is printed in all the products shown on the advert as small inscriptions on the jewel boxes. The end of the advert is also dedicated to the brand name solely on the screen thus both companies have produced product recognition in their adverts. Color has been utilized by the two reputable jewelers as their main form of communication as the colors are synonymous with these brands. This showcases the jewelerââ¬â¢s knowledge on the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Evolution of Supply Chain Management
Evolution of Supply Chain Management Over the past 40 years, the traditional purchasing and logistics functions have evolved into a wider strategic approach to materials and distribution management known as SCM. This chapter will review the SCM evolution over the past decades and the factors that have influenced this evolution. 1.2 Supply chain management evolution After Second World War there was a high need to increase production, the most part of the world was suffering from hunger. The world entered in the Productivism era, most manufacturers gave priority to mass production to minimize unit production cost as the primary operations strategy. This was the first stage of the creation of economies of scale. However, these years 1950s and 1960s the concept of supply chain management was unknown. During these years new product development was slow and counted only in firms own technology and capacity. Inventory cushioned bottleneck operations in order to maintain a balanced line low, resulting in huge investment in work in process (WIP) inventory (Tan, 2001). Logistics cost were high as well. At a national level in the USA and UK, they accounted respectively for 15% and 16% of gross national product (Ballou 2007). Furthermore, issues concern with purchasing was neglected by managers at that time, since purchasing was considered as a service to production (Famer, 1997). As mentioned above increasing production was the main objective of this period, little emphasis was on cooperative and strategic buyer supplier partnership. According to Tan (2001), Sharing technology and expertise with customers or suppliers was considered too risky and unacceptable. Tan 2001 argues that, in the 1970s, managers become aware of the huge WIP on manufacturing cost, new product development, quality, and delivery time. One of the factors of this increased awareness was the introduction of Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP). The focus in this period changed; it is not just increase production through spreading the fixed cost to a bigger output (economies of scale), rather, to increase performance. The introduction of IT (MRP) in planning the resources of the firm proofs this. During the 1980s and 1990s, firms deal with increased demands for better, faster, cheaper logistical service. As a result, many manufacturers outsourced logistics activities and their focus transferred to core competencies (Daugherty, 2011). According to Daugherty (2011), the outside specialist presented an economically viable means of achieving productivity and efficiency. Therefore, many manufactures went more for a relationship oriented approach with their supplier and customer. They understood the benefits of cooperative relationship with the other firms in the different chain levels (Stank at al, 1999). Stank at al (1999), show in their paper some of the advantages and benefits that this cooperative relationship had: synergy gain through shared expertise and resources, better planning and support, exchange of information, and joint problem solving. Another reason that influenced the partnership between supplier buyer was the increased global competition (Tan, 2001). In the 1990s was the introduction of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), this gave a boost to the evolution of the SCM and buyer supplier relationship. Movahedi at al (2009) argues, while the previous IT resource planning systems (e.g. EDI Electronic Data Interchange) used by manufactures were concern mainly with inter organizational integration, ERP systems were mainly concern with intra organizational integration. The evolution continues in the 21st century with the development of more sophisticated IT systems (internet base solution systems) which are concerned for both inter-organizational integration and intra-organizational integration. Moreover, the relationship buyer supplier in this period have gone one-step forward, from normal partnership to long-term relationship and strategic alliances. Manufacturers and retailers now commonly exploit supplier strengths and technology in support of new product development, distribution channels, cost reduction etc (Morgan and Moncz ka, 1995). For example retailers like Tesco use supplier strengths and technology to make own label products which contribute to Tesco overall image. The latest trend of evolution in the supply chain management is the movement towards systems of supplier relations over national boundaries and into other continents (Movahedi at al, 2009). Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is the latest concept introduced to the literature of SCM. Now days firms are much bigger than they used to be. They have achieved economies of scale and with the establishment of trade liberalisation policies they are internationalising their businesses to find the lowest sources of inputs and growing markets to sell their products. The concept of SCM is not enough for being efficient and competitive in the new environment that is why new concept and management strategies (i.e. GSCM) are emerging. An Integrated supply chain gives considerable competitive advantage to the individual actors participating in the chain. Now days in the developed economies there is a switch from firm firm competition to chain chain competition (Koh at al, 2007). This last sentence describes best how the supply chain management has evolved over the past decade, by making the different actors in a chain to operate as one big entity. 1.3 Evolution stages of supply chain management By looking at the above evolution history, we can identify some turning points in the concept and philosophy of SCM. Some authors have segmented the evolution of supply chain management into stages (Movahedi at al, 2009; Ballou 2007 ). Movahedi at al, (2009) segmented SCM evolution into three stages: Creation era During the 1980s Integration era During 1990s and continued in the 21st Globalisation era Now days Creation era, starts (1980s) when the buyer supplier understand the benefits that a cooperative relationship offers. In this period we encounter for the first time the term supply chain management. Integration era starts (1990s) when the IT system EDI is replaced by ERP. ERP focus not only in managing the resources of the individual firm but also the resources of the integrated supply chain. Globalisation era, starts with the creation of the trade liberalisation policies and the establishment of institution such as World Trade Organization (WTO) and other international institutions that deal with global/regional trade policies. According to Ballou (2007) SCM is not new, it is a evolution of the purchasing and distribution function. The integration of these two functions has generated what we call SCM. Figure 1 shows the evolution of SCM as described by Ballow (2007). He has segmented the evolution of SCM into three stages. Activity fragmentation 1950s and 1960s Activity integration 1960s to 2000 Supply chain management 2000+ As we can see from the figure, in the first stage the activities (from purchasing row materials to finished product in the shelf of a retailer) are fragmented, there is no integration between them. As a result the cost of finished products (transportation cost, inventory cost etc) are high. In the second stage, there is some integration between the activities but still not fully integrated. The SCM 2000+ is the last stage where all the activities are fully integrated leading to cost reduction, shortening of the new product development process, better flow of information, improved cash flow, faster order fulfilment, improved shelf availability and last but not least increased customer satisfaction. From the SCM literature it comes out that customer satisfaction is one of the key driving factors of supply chain evolution. Figure 1 Supply Chain Evolution Source: Ballow (2007) 1.4 Factors that have affected SCM evolution
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
Islam is the second biggest faith in the world. It is a monotheistic, peaceful religion which believes that there is only one god in the whole universe and his name is Allah. In his book, ââ¬Å"Islam the Straight Pathâ⬠, L.Esposito (1998) writes that the main ambition of Islam is to spread into the entire world and every act is based on the words of Qurââ¬â¢an and Muhammad says and deeds. But throughout the years of spreading 12 new orders were created in Islam. They were deviations from the classical Islam. One of these orders was The Bektashi Order of Dervishes. Their religion was also known as the popular Islam or (non-canonical) (L.Esposito, 1998). The aim was to reach Allah in a different way. Dervishes could be driven in the history of Islam in the same role that monks stay in Christianity. Their main difference is that dervishes to donââ¬â¢t stay closed in cloisters but they are close to the people in the everyday life. Now the most significant order that took plac e in the Balkans and it is still present now days the Bektashi order of Dervishes is very famous in Albania. In order to understand clearly the role of this Sufi order (Tariqat) we need to explain some questions raised. Who created it? When and where was the Bektashi order born? What were the circumstances that leaded to his creation? What are its main features? Why did it spread in the Balkans? What is its role now? What is the place of it in the Islamic world? The world center momentarily speaking is in Tirana, Albania. Bektashism has its own place in the Islamic world but the influence of it and the crucial role it played on Balkans especially in Albania is considerable. The Bektashi order of dervishes is the biggest Muslim Sufi in Albania but his existence extends also in o... ...anonical one. However it managed to create the best of worlds, a modern point of view and way to reach to God, in compliance with the Islamic shariah for their believers. The Tariqat was known for their knowledge and intellect and probably this is the reason why it hugged some of the highest powered people at the time. It is no need to say that Bektashi leaders were of a very high intellect and they managed to survive the both disasters that happened. One can see that their diplomacy and knowledgeââ¬â¢s were at a very high standard. They proved themselves to be an example to follow for the creation of a new state like Albania was at that time having on their branch some of the most well known Albanians the history have known. Bektashies were important in the other parts of Balkans too like Kosovo or Macedonia and their existence still lives today especially in Albania.
Monday, November 11, 2019
1775-1830 Apush Paper
During the early colonial period, indentured servants had filled the role of labor, working primarily in the Chesapeake region in the cultivation of tobacco. However, as the Dutch lost their monopoly on the slave trade, the price of slaves fell, allowing many plantation owners to purchase slaves and encouraging the growth of the slave trade to America. During the Revolutionary War and the decades following, slavery continued to boom, particularly in the South, where the use of slaves in crop cultivation came to dominate the Southern economy. In the North, industry supported the economy, allowing for a decreased need for slave labor. The difference between the economies of the North and South allowed for different levels of importance for slavery in those areas; however, discrimination prevailed throughout the young nation, leading the African-American community of the time to struggle against whites for freedom and civil rights. In the South, the largest contributing factor to the expansion of slavery was the westward growth of America during the early 19th Century. The Louisiana Purchase, signed under Thomas Jefferson, opened millions of acres to settlement encouraging many white southerners to move west into Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. These areas with their warm climates encouraged the expansion of the plantation system westward and accounts for the massive growth of slavery in those areas by 1830 seen in the Document C map illustrating the difference in slave concentration of the colonies. Lord Dunmore offered all slaves the opportunity to be free by joining the British military, as explained in his proclamation. The British sought to weaken colonial resistance by the support of the slaves. While many joined the British military to escape slavery, some colonial states offered slaves their freedom if they joined the colonial side after realizing how many slaves were rebelling to the British side. Some free blacks joined the British side because they felt discriminated against and believed they should have the same rights and privileges as whites, as they were denied property rights. In Venture Smithââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"narrative,â⬠a master consents ted to his salve buying his freedom. Even though the slave could not pay it all in one lump sum, the master allowed him to pay it in ââ¬Å"paymentsâ⬠he paid all he had as the down payment and then earned the rest by fishing and cropping. This example just came to show that not all slave owners were opposed to slaves being free. The Vermont Colonization proposed a 1? contribution from each inhabitant in order to help the society establish colonies on the coast of Africa. The colonies opened the door for emancipation. Some white abolitionists even advocated freeing blacks and relocating them to Africa, as did the American Colonization Society). Between 1790 and 1830, slavery vastly expanded. As slavery decreased in the north, the south more than made up for them due to the production of cotton booming in the south and especially down the Black Belt on the East Coast. Cotton production was already a huge industry in 1790, but it because even bigger when in 1793, the Cotton Gin was invented by a slave of Eli Whitney. The Cotton Gin made separating the cotton from the seeds quicker and easier, making the meticulous work a breeze compared to when it was done by hand. Slavery during the period also grew out of an economic need as the South looked to prosper solely through agricultural means. This meant slavery was simply an economic necessity as huge plantations, particularly those that produced cotton, were heavily labor-intensive. Because of this, slave-owners sought to control their slaves entirely and prevent them from escaping, although some slave holders allowed them to purchase their own freedom, as referred to in Venture Smithââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Narrativeâ⬠. Nonetheless, conditions were harsh leading many slaves to attempt rebellion or escape. In The Confessions of ââ¬Å"Ben,â⬠the document details the plans of one slave rebellion, plotted during Peace time so as to avoid conflict with soldiers or patrols. Rebellions during the period, usually small in scale, were rarely successful in the short term and merely resulted in stricter treatment of slaves, particularly in the Deep South. The harsher the treatment, the more impassioned became anti-slavery rhetoric, particularly in the African-American community. David Walkerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World,â⬠shows just how frustrated many had become with the system of slavery, and the determination of the community to free itself through any means. Denmark Vesey was a slave who had bought his freedom and planned what wouldââ¬â¢ve been the biggest slave rebellion in the United States; however, the Veseyââ¬â¢s conspiracy leaked and he was tried, convicted, and executed. In the North, slavery as a practice was a lost interest as the more industrial economy did not rely upon slave labor for its success. Upper class families often owned one or two slaves to carry on matters of the home, yet the majority of Northerners never owned a slave. That, however, did not mean free blacks received equal rights or good treatment in the North. Paul Cuffeââ¬â¢s Petition and Prince Hallââ¬â¢s Masonic Movement both point out the denial of rights to free blacks, as well as the harsh racism that prevailed throughout the region. Blacks were not allowed to vote, and were often paid less for the same jobs as whites. However, some in the North took up the issue of discrimination looking for ways to solve the struggles of the African American community. Plans for colonization of Africa by free blacks and former slaves were supports by some in the North such as the Vermont Colonization Society discussed in Document H; however, movements like this never picked up wide support and, in the end, amounted to little. During the late 18th century, the 2nd Great Awakening began as the second period of religious revival that extended into the antebellum period. Bishop Richard Allen was the founder of the African American Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Allen was granted the title of the first bishop for his hope offering of the religion given to the Black community. In the picture of Document D, an AME meeting is taking place in Philadelphia. Free Blacks often celebrated their freedom, especially since their church was the first independent black domination in the US. Many Northern Whites plead Black causes, turning into abolitionists. Free Blacks were gracious to Whites who worked hard to Improve African conditions. Most White abolitionists were great supporters of the American Colonization Society in order to send them back to their homes in Africa. While some Whites were helpful, others were discriminate like those in Boston, were Blackââ¬â¢s lives were endangered due to hate as described in Prince Hallââ¬â¢s Masonic Movement. Disfranchisement gave the right to vote to Blacks in the North where their votes wouldââ¬â¢ve usually counted as less effective or completely ineffective. Although some slaves were able to buy their freedom or escape to the North, slavery as a practice boomed between 1775 and 1830. The westward expansion of America and growth of the plantation system required a large number of slaves to support the agrarian economy. Free blacks were not spared harsh racism and discrimination, leading many African Americans to campaign for both the freedom of their people in the South and their own personal liberties at home.
Friday, November 8, 2019
What Relationships Do You Find Between Middle-range Nursing Theories
What Relationships Do You Find Between Middle-range Nursing Theories What Relationships Do You Find Between Middle Relationship between middle-range nursing theories and evidence-based nursing Nursing theories offer nursing-specific identifications, explanations and correlations of concepts (Basavanthappa, 2007). This gives the nursing profession distinction from the rest of science and medical professions. In nursing, the association between nursing theory and practice is symbiotic (Meleis, 2007). According to Basavanthappa (2007), middle-range theories address concrete and narrowly defined phenomena and constitute a limited number of offers and ideas written at a comparatively precise and concrete level. Conversely, evidence-based practice is the deliberate and critical use of nursing theories to guide the nursing process (Parker & Smith, 2010). The association between middle-range theories and evidence-based practice is grounded on the descriptions, predictions and explanations put forth in the middle-range theories put forth to answer questions on nursing phenomenon (Meleis, 2007). The eviden ce acquired through the study of these questions, due to the degree of relevance and specificity, in turn is more directly applicable to nursing practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Middle-range theories provide a viewpoint from which to see multifaceted circumstances. Indeed, middle range theories are refined through repeated research providing a more detailed emphasis e.g. Peplauââ¬â¢s Interpersonal relations theory (Basavanthappa, 2007). Notably, middle range theories are principally well-suited to empirical testing thus making it easier to attain evidence for nursing. It is through middle-range theories that the profession of nursing finds its exceptional service to patients. The testing of the middle range theories results to theory guided evidence-based practice (Parker & Smith, 2010). Middle range theories specify some of the associations between concepts in nursing evidence-based practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014). In this case, middle range theories such as Peplauââ¬â¢s Inte rpersonal relations theory offer an explanation on the reason and the degree to which one concept of nursing practice is associated with the other.ReferencesBasavanthappa,à B.à T. (2007). Nursing theories. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers. Meleis, A. I. (2007). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.McEwen, M., & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Parker, M. E., & Smith, M. C.à (2010). Nursing theories and nursing practice (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA:à F. A. Davis
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry Several controversies have been hitting the pharmaceutical industry in the last few years. The larger percentage of the controversies ranges from Medicare fraud to high-priced medications that are marketed by these firms. From the researcherââ¬â¢s point of view, big pharmaceutical corporations are putting huge profits on top of patients, spiraling shammed public relations campaigns and more. Before the recent changes, Medicare CEOs and these companies had been reported to have involved in frauds worth billions of shillings.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The indications are that the costs of the drugs are rising more rapidly than any other thing a patient can pay for. It has been found that medications are the most rapidly increasing part of the patient health care bill. It is argued that most of the patientââ¬â¢s expenditure on drugs ha s also risen. The reason is that the quantities of drugs that are being prescribed have increased. Moreover, the practitioners are prescribing new ineffective drugs that are more expensive than the old effective less costly drugs. More appalling is the fact that the prices of these consistently prescribed drugs are in a great deal jacked up, in most cases a number of times a year. The discounts as well as other incentives the medical practitioners such as the oncologists are receiving are used as a reason for hiking the prices. The government as well as other researchers has found that these benefits are unwarranted. The most shocking thing about these drug price controversies is that the trusted health care providers have an ulterior motive behind these prescriptions. Researchers found out that there is a correlation between the methods through which cancer doctors are being paid to the choice of drugs they use in a particular treatment of cancer such as chemotherapy (Abelson par.9 ). Once the oncologists have decided on the type of treatment, the mode of payment influences the type of drug prescription. As opposed to the expectations those who are fairly paid are likely to prescribe more expensive drugs. Reports indicate that most of the pharmaceutical firmsââ¬â¢ representatives provide hand-outs to influence medical practitioners to recommend the drugs they represent. Going by analytic reviews of the articles on the diabetes drugs Avandia, it is true that drug manufacturers are paying medical experts to make positive conclusions about their drugs safety and effectiveness. In fact, Avandia case is one out of many (Bakalar par.1).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are several cases where the medical expert opinions are influenced by the financial handouts. It is agreed among the medical professionals that the interaction between the pharm aceutical companies and the health providers are not in the best interest of the patient. Moreover, most of the doctors agree that solicitation of drugs directly from these companies compromises the ethical standards and impractical, most can be influenced by free gifts and hand outs from these companies. Some sections of the medical profession argue that their treatment decisions are for the best interest of the patients (Abelson par.7). The argument is that doctors only prescribe drugs that are clinically recommended. Moreover, quality health care must be more costly. However, in the case of cancer therapy, there is no any evidence that one type of chemotherapy drugs are working better than the others. In this case, the medical practitioners have the wide array of manufacturers or the pharmaceutical agents to choose from. Therefore, regardless of their persistence that their therapy decisions are based on what they feel is best for the patient; medical practitioners are influenced by other factors such as payment policies as well as other financial influences coming from the drug manufacturers. Abelson, Reed. Pay Method Said to Sway Drug Choices of Oncologists. 8 March, 2006. Web. Bakalar, Nicholas. Study Sees a Slant in Articles on Drug. April 12, 2010. Web.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Idealism and the power of ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Idealism and the power of ideas - Essay Example Notably, Locke was no stranger to France, as he studied Descartes, and came in contact with some of the greatest minds of his age there. It was there that Locke found time to reflect and gain personal development. Locke, greatly inspired, wrote and published some well acknowledged philosophical pieces that have really made him an accomplished man. He had reached heights that other philosophers before him doubted and never even thought possible. He wrote a series of books after that, which continued to make him one of the most influential and men from England in exile. Locke possessed a certain mix of attributes that made him have a permanent influence on politicians and other philosophers around the globe. Locke never married but lived a well balanced life of 72 years, and is fondly remembered. As great thinkers thought about drawing up the US Constitution rights, they kept his philosophical teachings close to heart.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Monsanto Company by Their Patent Agent, De Penning and Depen v Case Study
Monsanto Company by Their Patent Agent, De Penning and Depen v. Coramandal Indag Products LTD - Case Study Example Monsanto filed a lawsuit in India seeking both injunctive relief and an account for the infringement of its patents. The trial court decreed and the case was subsequently dismissed by the appellate court. The appellate court, however, certified the case to the Indian Supreme Court on the basis that substantial and complex questions of law were involved. On review, the Supreme Court disagreed that the questions were substantial, but nonetheless accepted the case to identify and to clarify the real issues presented by the underlying facts. The questions presented are essentially twofold with some subsidiary issues. The first question is whether Monsanto held a patent. The Supreme Court held that there was no patent. A second issue was whether, under the Patents Act 1970, the defendant had a basis to revoke a patent. This issue was comprised of two further issues. First, under section 64(e) of the Patents Act of 1970, was this process generally known and therefore subject to revocation The Supreme Court found that this process was generally known. Second, under section 64(1)(f) of the Patents act of 1970, did Monsanto extend and improve this known process by some "inventive step" The Supreme Court found no evidence of an inventive step and held that revocation was justified in any event. Ã
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